Frétt af heimasíðu JSÍ.
Norðurlandameistarmótinu í Júdo sem átti að fara fram 12-13 september í Laugardalshöll hefur verið frestað. Búist var við um 300 júdomönnum víðsvegar frá Norðurlöndunum. Ástæðan er sú að Covid-19 veirufaraldurinn er því miður aftur í vexti á Íslandi og nýlega hafa auknar takmarkanir verið kynntar varðandi fjöldasamkomur. Ákvörðunin var tekin af formönnum Júdosambanda Norðurlandanna í sameiningu, en stefnt er að því að halda næsta Norðurlandameistaramót á Íslandi í apríl 2021.
The Judo Nordic Championships which was to be held 12th-13th of September in Reykjavík, Iceland has been postponed. 300 Judokas from all the Nordic countries were expected to take part in the tournament. The situation in Iceland in relation to the Covid-19 epidemic is not good at the moment and the outbreak is again on the rise. Therefore restrictions on social gatherings, such as sporting events, have been increased as of late. The decision to postpone the tournament was made by the presidents of the all the Judo Federations of the Nordic Countries in unison. Also it was agreed upon that the next Judo Nordic Championship will be held in Reykjavik, Iceland in April, 2021.